Teachers play a significant role in the upliftment and transformation of our society. They bear the weight and responsibility of teaching, and, apart from parents are the main source of knowledge and values for children.
As a teacher, you are expected to
acknowledge the noble calling of your profession to educate and train the learners of our country;..
National School Nutrition Programme
The National School Nutrition Programme in the NC is committed to provide an effective and efficient service to all learners in public schools through the implementation of an integrated nutrition and food production programme.The objectives of the Programme are: To contribute to enhanced learning capacity through school feeding, To promote food production initiatives. To strengthen nutrition education for the school community....
The current position with regards to access of Learning and Teaching Support Material (LTSM) in South African schools reflects our apartheid past. Government in addressing and eliminating these inequalities of the past has invested hugely in equal provisioning of textbooks and other essential LTSM resources. The key objective as per Goal 19, as stated in the Vision 2030 document, is to ensure that each learner has access to....