Uniform Competition Commission Documents


The Commission is mandated by the Competition Act to investigate and prosecute anti-competitive conduct, prevent market concentration through control, probe into the state of competition in various market and conduct advocacy.

Anti-competitive conduct investigated and prosecuted by the Commission includes, restrictive horizontal practices, restrictive vertical practices and abuse of dominance

Horizontal Restrictive Practices include: Price fixing, market allocation and collusive tendering

Vertical Restrictive Practices include: Minimum resale price maintenance exclusive agreements

Abuse of Dominance Practices include: Excessive pricing, Price discrimination, Refusal to deal, Tying & Bundling, Predatory Pricing etc.

The Common effects of anti- competitive conduct are, the foreclosure of competitors, higher prices for goods and services and poor-quality goods and services


CCA presentation: School Uniform Outreach 

Circular on the procurement of school uniform and other learning-related goods and services

Undertaking to comply with competition principples in school uniform procurement

A guide on promoting competition in public procurement 

The procurement of school uniform and learning materrial (A guide for schools, parents and SGBs)

The procurement of school uniform and learning material (A guide for schools, parents and SGBs Sesotho) 

The procurement of school uniform and learneing material (A guide for schools, parents and SGBs IsiZulu)

The procurement of school uniform and learning material (A guide for schools, parents and SGBs Afrikaans)