Teacher Development


  As a teacher, you are expected to:

·         acknowledge the noble calling of your profession to educate and train the learners of our country;

·         acknowledge that the attitude, dedication, self-discipline, ideas, training and conduct of the teaching profession determine the quality of education in this country;

·         acknowledge, uphold and promote basic human rights, embodies in the Constitution of South Africa;

·         commit yourself therefore to do all within your power, in the exercising of your    professional duties, to act in accordance with the ideals of your profession, as expressed in the SACE Code of Professional Ethics; and

·         act in a proper and becoming way such that your behaviour does not bring the teaching profession into disrepute.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the approach to all Teacher Development activities had to be reviewed since all planned training and meetings were based on face-to-face interactions.

The training of Senior Phase educators in Mathematics and Natural Science which is funded be Sishen Iron Ore Community Development Trust (SIOC-cdt) and all scheduled training sessions by the University of Stellenbosch has been postponed to January 2021.

the Possibility of doing a blended type of training (Face-to-face sessions and online learning) will be explored depending on the challenges that may be posed by the pandemic over the first 6 months of 2021


Funza Lushaka District and Community Based Bursaries 

Teacher Recruitment screening form Please note that this is not an application for the Funza Lushaka bursary programme. You must complete this form if you are interested in studying teaching and take education as your career. You should be currently in Grade 12 or have passed Grade 12 with an "admission to Bachelors Degree studies"



Application for SACE certificate

New Teacher Orientation Booklet

NTA Booklet

Professionalism Development Framework for Digital learning

Professional Learning Communities Guidelines

Protocol Document on Teacher Diagnostic Assessment


NTA  forms 2023 digital

NTA forms 2023

NTA guidelines 2023