Learner Competitions


Mathematics and Science competition and events

In order to increase learner participation and performance in Mathematics and Science, the Northern Cape Department of Education encourages schools to take part in the following Mathematics and Science competition.

Circular 01 of 2025 (Mathematics and Science competitions and events)

International Day of women and girls in Science 

Life and Living 2025

Maths Challenge 2025 

South African Mathematics Olympiad

Mathematics Week Celebration


Spelling  Bee

Spelling Bee is a game in which the participants compete in spelling words orally. The Spelling Bee be targets learners in grade 4 to 6 (intermediate Phase). The Northern Cape Department of Education believes that participation in the competition will enhance the quality of learning and teaching, thereby resulting in improved learner performance

Northern Cape Province entries should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please contact Ms Khumalo on 053 839 6407/6311  or 082 392 6301 for more information



Dikololo tsa Setswana di lalediwa go tsenela kgaisano ya mopeleto e e tla ketekwang ka kwedi ya Lwetse. Kgaisano ke bontlhanngwe jwa thotloetso ee bontshang bokgoni jwa barutana jwa barutwana jwa go reetsa le go buisa ka puo ya Setswana. Mopeleto ke nngwe ya diteng tsa thuta-puo mo mephatong 1-3. Batsayakarolo ba tla peleta ka nako e e matshwanedi go ya ka dingwaga le mophato o ba leng mo go ona



As part of the WOORDFEES AND WOW, the University of Stellenbosch hosts the WOW Spelling Competition for Afrikaans Home Language and English First Additional Language annually. A spelling competition is an activity in which the participants compete in spelling words orally. This National championship which targets Afrikaans Home Language learners in Grade 1 to 10 and English First Additional Language learners in Gr. 6 - 9 is aimed at improving learners' performance in languages.

A call is hereby made for all schools to encourage learners to participate in the 2019 National WOW spelling competition.  Competition rules and the word lists per language and per grade are available in electronic format and can be downloaded at www.woordfees.co.za.

The procedure for participation in the 2019 Spelling Competition is to fill in the registration form which must be stamped by the school and faxed/sent through to the district coordinator of the Spelling Competition.

Schools are requested to first hold the competition in class before the joint circuit and district competitions in August and provincial competition in September will take place. The national competition takes place at the University of Stellenbosch in October.

Upon receipt of the registration form, the district coordinator will organise a workshop for schools to explain the rules of the competition as well as train teachers as competition officials.

All schools, including Special schools, are invited to enter. Participation in the programme is free.



Although South Africa has come a long way since the dawn of democracy; language, ethnicity, religion and socio-economic inequities and divisions are still evident. These divisions emphasise the importance for young people to become knowledgeable of their constitutional rights and values, as well as the principles of the country’s Supreme Law to develop active and disciplined citizenry.


The DBE, in partnership with the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the Universities of Pretoria, Venda and the Western Cape, the Foundation for Human Rights and the Law Society of South Africa, hosts the National Schools Moot Court Competition on an annual basis. Since its inception in 2011, the National Schools Moot Court Competition has managed to explore various sections of The Bill of Rights such as Rights, Equality, Freedom of expression and Human Dignity and offers a dialogic and experiential platform for the youth to experiment with the actual application of the country’s laws. 



Y-CAP initiative has been endorsed by the Department of Basic Education. The competition helps the youth take action through school-based projects that addresses issue of concern and relevance in their specific environment. These issues range from teenage pregnancy and substance abuse to waste management.

More on Y-CAP 



This completion forms part of the Departments contribution to the strengthening of the teaching and learning of History in our schools. It is also part of the Department ongoing initiative to encourage all learner to develop an understanding, not only of the broad history of South Africa, but also of the richness of the histories of their local communities.

More on NKAL Oral History