
As a learner you are expected to:

·       accept that the main reason for being in school is to learn and develop academically, socially and culturally;

·       adhere to school rules;

·       respect the legitimacy and authority of teachers;

·       participate in Learner Representative Councils (LRCs) to safeguard your interests;

·       show respect to other learners and not to discriminate; and

·      avoid anti-social behaviour like theft, vandalism, assault, sexual harassment, alcohol and drug abuse, as well as other activities that disrupt the learning process.


2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC)  Result Summary


Exam Instruction E26/2024


National Senior Certificate (NSC) October/ November Examination Timetablr 2023 

September 2023 Preparatory examination Timetable

May/June Senior certificate (SC) / Natioal Senior Certificate (NSC) 


Accommodation and concession for learners with special education needs pamphlet

Examination Instruction : E63/2022 , Meeting with District officials, Principals and school based support teams

Examination Instruction : E58/2022, Procedure om alternative ways of examining learners with special education needs for 2023 academic year (DBE circular 33/2022)

November 2022 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination Timetable 

May/June 2022 Senior Cetificate (SC) / National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination Timetable 

2021 June Examination clustered centres


Registration procedures for the Senior Certificate Examination, Qualification for Adults and out of School Learners

Senior Certificate Examination Registration, Qualification for Adults and out of school Learners                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Online Registration     


Circular E20 of 2019: Special Dispensation to allow June 2019 Senior Certificate (SC) candidates to rewrite the November 2019 Examination

Senior Certificate (SC) November Rewrite Examination Entry Form                                                                                           More information



Examination Instruction E52/2019 : Rescheduling of the Afrikaans Home language paper 3 and the Afrikaans first additional language paper 3...

Change in the May/June 2019 - Senior Certificate (SC) and National Senior Certificate (NSC) Timetable 

Merging the National Senior Certificate (NSC) Supplementary Examinations with the June 2019 Senior Certificate (SC) Examination

May/June Senior Certificate (SC) / National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examinations Timetable 2019)

Circular E1 of 2019: June Examination 2019 Timetable for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and the Senior Certificate (SC) Examinations




Revised Exam Tariffs

Application for a Replacement Certificate

Request for a confirmation letter

Statement of symbols application form

Application for the issue of a combined National/Senior Certificate

Circular E5 of 2018- Common certification and re-marking tariffs 

Umalusi Directives for Cerfiticates


Exam revision