Literacy and Numeracy Strategy
In 2013, as a response to the poor performance the Northern Cape Department of Education developed and implemented a literacy strategy to enhance (reinforce) Language and Literacy skills in advancing the outcomes of the action plan 2014.
The ANA results improved slightly since implementation of the Literacy strategy.
Given the poor performance of Mathematics throughout the system, there was a need to review the strategy in order to include numeracy and to strengthen the Literacy.
Literacy and numeracy are almost inevitably grouped together as the twin foundations of school education, the essential academic knowledge and competencies to be developed by schools for learners’ participation in contemporary society.
The Reading and Mathematics programme targets out of school youth who passed matric and had obtained level 5-7 in Languages and Mathematics. The number of Reading and Mathematics Assistants has increased from 66 in 2013 to 202 in 2019 in all Districts
Much of the department’s efforts will be geared towards improving and promoting reading abilities of learners through increasing the number of reading clubs and participation in competitions including Spelling Bee and Woorde Open Wêrelde (WOW).
Departmental officials and teachers have been trained on the Primary School Reading Improvement Programme (PSRIP) and the training was cascaded to School Management Teams (SMTs) on monitoring of the Primary School Reading Improvement Programme (PSRIP) at school level.
The objective of the Programme is to strengthen the capacity of the Foundation Phase teachers to use the different reading methodologies cited in the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) document.
Literacy and Numeracy Strategy presentation
Literacy Strategy Final Version
Promotional programmes
The recent Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021 results reveal a concerning statistic: 81% of grade 4 learners cannot read for meaning. Tackling this challenge requires a multifaceted approach involving schools, families, and communities working together.
Recognising the critical importance of reading and its impact on learning across all subjects, the Northern Cape Department of Education has initiated several programs and activities throughout the year to foster a culture of reading within schools and communities. One of the significant events is the annual celebration of World Read Aloud Day, in collaboration with Nal’ibali. This is a day dedicated not just for reading but also to the art and practice of reading aloud, bringing back the tradition of reading while promoting literacy.
This year, World Read Aloud Day will be celebrated on the 5th of February, 2025. Join us in this important initiative to cultivate a love for reading and improve literacy skills among our learners.
Drop all and read is a sub-reading programme that emanates from the Read to Lead Campaign. The aim is to stimulate, promote and improve reading abilities of learners by ensuring that all learners are able to demonstrate reading with understanding at appropriate age levels
The South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) is a non-profit organisation which aims to advance the Mathematics, development and education of South African learners through quality teaching and learning of Mathematics through public awareness activities. SAMF is involved in learner and teacher development, advocacy and research through a series of projects throughout the ear.
South African Mathematics Olympiad 2024
South African Mathematics Challenge 2024
Reading Clubs
Reading Clubs in schools provide an enjoyable and easy way for learners to develop Literacy Skills. They offer learners a way to share books, experience, feelings, to explore and discuss difficult topics in a safe way. Schools are encouraged to establish Reading Clubs and register them with Na’libali for them to receive stories on a monthly basis.
Reading Week
In order for these reading weeks to be a success, schools must develop innovative ways of celebrating reading. Learners and teachers are also encouraged to bring reading material, e.g. magazines, newspapers, comics, novels and poetry to school for use in the classroom.
National Library Week
Libraries across the country use National Library Week as an opportunity to market their services. The aim is to encourage library practitioners to engage with each other and to raise awareness of the value of libraries. Libraries must take the lead in being active community partners who develop informed individuals. This means providing access to information about health and hygiene, economic empowerment, poverty eradication and education in general. The initiative should foster lifelong learning and knowledge exchange. Schools are therefore encouraged to participate in various activities that promote reading and must encourage learners to become members of public libraries.
International Literacy
International Literacy Day gives children and communities a chance to rediscover the joy of reading while raising awareness for those without access to education. Schools are encouraged to celebrate this week by engaging in different activities that promote literacy e.g. Reading and writing competitions, Host a Speaker, Open Mic Night (create an opportunity for learners and parents to share things they have written), including public verse speaking. The highlight of the day will be the Provincial Spelling Bee competition which will be held in the Frances Baard District
International Mother Tongue Day
Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving our tangible heritage. This day is aimed at developing a fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world. A great opportunity to discuss other languages and cultures with your classrooms.
Reading Camp
Reading Camp is a literacy program that serves primary school learners. Each learner receives intensive reading instruction geared to his/her needs, participates in fun-filled group activities with other children from neighbouring schools.
This was a pilot programme targeting 50 Grade 4 and 5 learners in the Frances Baard district. These learners participated in different reading activities like storytelling, reading, literacy blocks, songs, poems and Love Life Games as part of Life Skills.
The Northern Cape Department of Education (NCDoE) in partnership with the Northern Cape Provincial Legislature (NCPL) is annually conducting the writing and poster development competition for Grade 9 learners since 2017 to enhance the reading skill and instil creative thinking.
Parents guide to reading at home
By developing a love for reading in young children, we will be giving the one of the greatest gifts of life namely, life long reading
Read to Lead Campaign
The Read to Lead Campaign is a national celebration of reading, aiming to ensure and build national interest amongst learners, parents, teachers and business communities to assist to improve learners competence in the critical area of literacy.