National School Safety Framework (NSSF):
The National School Safety Framework is a management tool that aims to assist schools to identify, record and respond to incidences of school-based crime and violence. It recognises the existing capacity and resources within each of the schools and prepares the schools to develop an intervention based on this. It is designed so that it complements normal schooling duties and activities as it aims to integrate school safety into the daily activities of the school and contribute to the development of the school community. The NSSF is a DBE commissioned programme and a total of 50 schools’ newly appointed Principals and deputy principals will be trained. The attendees will also be required to complete the online course accredited by SACE so as to obtain CPTD points in terms of Circular S23 of 2022.
National School Safety Framework and Protocol
Implementation of the National School Safety FrameworkCD Roll out Plan 2017
Protocol on the Management of Incidents of Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Schools & Protocol on Management of Corporal Punishment in Schools:
Advocacy workshop on the Protocol on the management of incidents of sexual harassment and abuse in schools as well as the Protocol on management of corporal punishment schools will be held. The School Safety Committee (SSC) and School Management Team (SMT) (4 representatives per school) from 100 schools in the Frances Baard, ZFM, JTG, Namakwa districts will be trained in these protocols. This is a DBE commissioned programme intended to deal with these social-ills and also forms part of the activities of the National Strategic Plan on Gender-based Violence and Femicide (NSP-GBV&F). The attendees will also be required to complete the online course accredited by SACE so as to obtain CPTD points in terms of Circular S23 of 2022.
Protocol for the management and reporting of sexual and harassment in schools
Protocol to deal with incidents of corporal punishment inschools
Circular on the banning of corporal punishment
School-Based Training on Prevention of Bullying in Schools:
The Department plans to conduct school-based workshops at schools on the prevention and management of bullying in schools for the entire staff component of educators and SSC’s. School-Based Training on Positive Discipline in Namakwa and JTG In an attempt to empower schools with alternatives to administering corporal punishment, the Department will conduct school-based workshops for entire staff components in schools in districts. In addition to addressing behaviour modification for ill-disciplined learners, the programme will capacitate schools to develop / review their Learners’ Code of Conduct as well as empower them to implement it effectively.
Addressing Bullying in Schools (workbooks)
Addressing Bullying in Schools (course reader)
Addressing Bullying in Schools (teacher manual)
Compliance with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and Safety Regulations:
SSC and SMTs from district will be trained in OHS Act and Regulations so as to enable them comply with the Act. The training will include the establishment of emergency evacuation procedures so as to enhance emergency readiness.
OHSA: Health And Safety Representative
Monitoring and Support School Safety Programmes
The purpose of the visits is to monitor and support schools on the implementation of school safety programmes as well as compliance with basic safety standards as set out by the Regulations of Safety Measures in public schools as well as the National School Safety Framework commissioned by the Department of Basic Education. This entails the identification of safety threats, development of school safety action plans, checking emergency readiness that is: development of emergency evacuation procedures and practical fire drills at schools.
National School Safety Framework (NSSF)
The School Safety Diagnostic Tool
Schools Safety Audit Chiecklist
School Safety School Action Plan
Number of Schools Participating in School Safety Advocacy Programmes
Advocacy Programmes and Information Sessions at Schools
Child protection month, Drugs and Substances, Gender based Violence, 16 x days of activism against woman, children and vulnerable people, TIP Programme.
Road Safety Debate and Participatory Education Techniques
The purpose of these activities is to educate learners and communities about road safety through a participatory educational approach. The project seeks to instil a culture of safe traffic participation as well as address issues that pose a threat to road safety. A total of 50 schools in the province will participate at circuit, district, provincial and national competitions.
School Safety Debate Policy and Guidelines
School Safety Collaboration Programmes
Prevention of School-based Crime and Violence (SAPS)
Implementation of crime prevention programmes in collaboration with SAPS in terms of the School Safety Implementation Protocol on the prevention of crime and violence in schools. A 100 schools will participate in Context-specific crime prevention programmes, searches, seizures and drug testing as well as advocacy against crime, violence, other anti-social behaviour and substance abuse.
Victim Empowerment programmes:
Advocacy sessions at schools and community mobilization on Trafficking in persons, Gender-based violence, 16-Days of no violence against women and children.